Does The Dianne Feinstein Family Make Mayonnaise Out Of Chinese Prison Camp Orphans?

By Shelly Dawson

It is an inarguable fact that Dianne Feinstein's Husband: Dick Blum and his business partners, including Mart Bailey, have had numerous trips to China to meet with questionable characters that are on the CIA and FBI "watch-lists".

It is an inarguable fact that Dianne Feinstein's top aide was a major Chinese intelligence officer.

It is an inarguable fact that Chinese prison camps exist and cull female babies.

It is an inarguable fact that recordings exist of Feinstein's daughter: Kathryn, during overnight stays with her friend, stating that her mom is "somewhat crazy..." and "...will do very extreme things to hold onto power..."

It is an inarguable fact that Dianne Feinstein has had so many run-ins with conflict-of-interest and corruption charges that she now holds the U.S. record for such charges.

The Feinstein's seem to have the greatest distance between themselves and morality of any known political family.

The charges that the many covert assets of the Feinstein's include benefits from the Chinese prison camps seem to hold merit in light of the vast history. There is, literally, nothing to stop the Feinstein's from further engaging in their Tsunami of social horrors.

Feinstein has clearly orchestrated the social manipulations of vulnerable and easily influenced SJW stooges to try to take down a Supreme Court judge because this nominee will cut-off her pig trough profiteering. As the news has now reported, Ford is a nut job with an alcoholic's nose, eyes that are too close together and a hard-on for Feinstein:

Ford is her own worst enemy.

She provided the names of five people who she said would and could corroborate her story … and we all know how that’s worked out for her.

Ford provided 5 people who she says can corroborate her story.
Smyth: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Judge: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Kavanaugh: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Keyser: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Ford: Refuses to testify under oath.

So she’s the fifth witness. And the only who hasn’t made a statement under penalty of perjury.


Honestly, when you look at it in black and white it’s shocking they’re even still trying to push this nonsense but then again, Democrats have never been the brightest crayons in the box.

To be investigated, the alleged victim will need to go to the town it took place, swear out a statement, under the penalty of perjury, as to the facts.

The police will interview the named witnesses - who have all denied it took place.

After these interviews take place, they will again interview the complainant. They will ask if she has any new information to support her accusation - physical evidence, witness testimony. When she says no, they look at all available evidence, and proceed from there.

Based on all available evidence at this time, there would be no grounds for continuing an investigation.

There is no physical evidence. The accuser cannot provide a date or location for the alleged assault.

All witnesses named by the accuser have denied it took place.

The accuser cannot offer any new evidence, or names of witnesses who can contradict the denials from ppl named, and thereby support the claims of the accuser.

End of story


Sad trombone.


How anyone on the Left can still claim Ford has a credible accusation at this point is nuts; we are truly starting to feel like we’re taking crazy pills.




Time should be the last thing Dr Ford should want. Her claim is falling apart by the minute...
Turning into her word vs everyone else who could corroborate...
Sad for America!

But yet this charade continues against a sitting federal judge

— Michelle (@MaryHill387) September 23, 2018

But he’s a Conservative or something so he deserves it! Hey, that’s what Mazie Hirono basically admitted.
